Saturday, January 24, 2009

Somewhat Expected Drama

My brother has never had his life in good shape but sometimes he makes really stupid decision that just continue to drag him further down.
Consider this - my brother has been fired from at least three jobs, including a position at Wal-Mart. My brother has been evicted from two apartments. My brother had four unexpected children with his wife.
When Kevin and his wife split up about a year ago, things started to spin in some strange directions. First, Kevin lost his apartment because it was a one bedroom and five people (himself and his four kids) couldn't live there. So he moved in with my Grandma. She kindly allowed him to live in her house with his small mob of children, rent free and she provided free babysitting. My Grandmother didn't like the way that his new girlfriend treated the kids like her own so she asked that she not come over any more...needless to say, the drama started.
The new girlfriend then began to harass my mother via email. My mom stayed polite and figured it would didn't.
Well yesterday the new girlfriend yelled at my Grandma via telephone so my Grandma finally had enough and told my brother he was no long welcome to live at her house, his kids were welcome to stay - but he was not.
My mother is having a hard time as a result. She believes that the new girlfriend is trying to alienate my brother from the family that she she will no longer get to see the kids. She's terribly upset over the whole thing. I spent yesterday with her, letting her cry and tell me how she was feeling. It was hard to listen to but at the same time, my brother has to grow up.
My mother has said that she too is no longer going to give to my brother. This means that she is not going to pay his car payment, his car insurance and she is no longer going to take his kids to and from school. Kevin and his new girlfriend are going to have to figure it out on their own. She wants them to understand everything that people around them are doing for them out of the goodness of their hearts. Kevin seems to think that the stuff they are doing for him are things that he is entitled to. My mom is worried about the kids of course, as am I. Skyler loves her more than anyone in his life. He's made that clear. She's been the only stable person he has and she's provided him with so order to hopefully help my brother long term, she must step back and deal with the pain for...what I hope will only be a little while.