Sunday, September 28, 2008


Then I decided to call home and check in on the days events. Not a smart move. Apparently my brother and his wife (mind you they're in the middle of a divorce) got into a fight. His wife was upset that my brother is taking their kids over to his new girlfriend's house. Being that my brother hates being told what he can and can't do, he apparently got upset and told her that "he can do whatever he wants when he has the kids" to which she then told the children "say goodbye to your daddy cause you might not be seeing him for a while." Good gracious! I get both sides of the issue. She's hurt...I don't blame her. My brother feels a right of ownership...ultimately I don't care how they feel, I just worry about those kids. It's entirely unfair to put them in the middle of this! Fight with each other, fine...gouge each others eyes out...but don't fight in front of the kids or about the's simply not fair!!! Yet when I said this to my father, he responded with "life's not fair, you're brother has made stupid decisions and someone has to pay for them." I know...I know...I know! I just hope that through all of this my nieces and nephews will come through smarter and better off. I hope that they don't get damaged by their parents mistake but rather become better people because of it.