Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Little Moments

We must always remember to cherish those little moments. Those moments are different for everyone. Today I want to remind myself of a few:
Spending time with my Grandma in chemo
Listening to my nephew tell me about school
Knowing that my mom and dad fully believe in me

Some days you absolutely have to take those moments and hold them tight. Today I worked with a group of 38 middle school students. It was rough, really rough for me. I don't have the patience that I once did. I get frustrated rather easily by children I know aren't being themselves and are trying too hard. Being that I spent 7 hours with these youngsters, my mood for the day was pretty much shot. Then I got a phone call that really bothered me.
My old boss is protesting my unemployment. She is claiming that I was dishonest and a distraction to other employees. I knew she was going to protest the unemployment, she had said she was going to, but it just feels low...even for her. So at the end of a rather rough day, I was more than irked to know that this was going on too.

So, although I have all this boiling up stress - I can remember these great moments and hold them close enough to help me get through another battle and come out stronger.