Sunday, December 7, 2008

Amazing Human Feats

Yesterday I attended the North Face Endurance Challenge. A 50 mile race near Rodeo Beach. I am amazed to say that I saw one man complete a 50 mile run in 6 hours. He was clearly drained and exhausted beyond anything I've ever seen - but WOW, what an amazing man! He was probably in his 50's. It of course was very inspiring so today I decided to sign up for a 5k, nothing in comparison but something I know that I could do and maybe progress from. I'd love to run a 10k or even a marathon at some point and now is a fine time to start.

Oh, have I mentioned that Brandon has been on my mind a lot lately. Yesterday I met a total smoking hot guy and was nearly drooling over him - I realized that Brandon is my type. I do have a type!! I'm kinda excited to say that. I have a tendency to like guys with distinct features - this up turned nose, dark hair with some degree of a receding hairline, blue eyes and a strong jaw bone. Oy! I may not be dating but I sure can stare and gawk from afar.