Thursday, December 27, 2007

Another Sleepless Night

"This is the kind of dream where everything too terrible to imagine suddenly happens, it happens when your back is turned, just when you think everything is fine." (Alice Hoffman, At Risk)

Not a wink of sleep...none. For some reason I tossed and turned so much last night that even the dogs didn't want to sleep in the same bed. By 3am I finally decided to give up and moved to the living room where the hum of the fish tank and air filter attempted to sooth me.

Have I mentioned that I have the most amazing friends? Last night I spoke with Alena, again. Her wisdom astounds me. I think perhaps she was a wise, old, Indian woman in her past life. She explained to me that perhaps the happiness I've had over the last few months were only a small portion of what I will the future. She prescribed me with some self time, something I've been lacking lately due to the dog rescue. She also suggested that I really sit down with my roommate and make sure he understands that I really do value his friendship and want to make sure that our move into separate dwellings doesn't put an end to it.
Speaking of the roommate, he read the letter and he thinks that perhaps I got dumped - not because this guy actually wanted to break up with me, but because he felt forced. He's wise too - have I mentioned that? We stayed up not that late, watching a peculiar show on the TV. His presence can be a real comfort to me sometimes, and other times, not. It's strange how that works.

I was suppose to go play doubles tennis after work today with some individuals I've never met, however this morning I failed to find my racquet.