Friday, April 11, 2008

Fuck the Comfort Zone

I have this very comfy place I like to's safe, it's pain involved. Well, today I get the very unwelcomed priviledge of stepping outside of my comfort zone. My boss has asked me to call the nine people we interviewed this week and let them know that they didn't get the job. I'm not a confrontational person and this is perhaps the hardest thing any employer has EVER asked me to do. But, I'm doing it with confidence and without hesitation because I know that I need to learn to say "Fuck you" to my comfort zone.

After dialing, I've decided I ought to say:
“Hello, we appreciate you coming in to interview and wasting both your time and ours. We feel strongly that we have selected a good candidate and that is very much not you. We don’t really wish you the best of luck, but we hope that you find employment elsewhere so that you can begin to pay your taxes and be a contributing member of society. Good ridden and goodbye.”