Saturday, April 5, 2008

We Knew That Already

I've said it all along, having a boyfriend or a husband...lets say...a live in male partner, is way more work than any man realizes. That's why women "change" when you live with them. Today it was reported that a study by the University of Michigan showed "Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women." This explains why when we have mates, we are grouchier, tired more and overall unable to do more of the stuff we love. Gosh darn men! Clean your own shit and we'll be nicer people to be around.

I'm exploring the non-existance of self. It's a rather interesting idea and I'd like to say that for me, self didn't begin to exist until about mid-March. I was getting closer and closer since January but in mid-March...more to come...when I feel like it...hehehe