Saturday, April 12, 2008


I just got home from 10 hours of paintball and I'm bruised!!! Big purple spots all over my legs and back. WOW!!! It was a blast! We played two different types. On where we got to run around in the woods and hope that no one saw or found us. Another where we had a course and had to hide behind tires and stuff. It was crazy wild. I got to shoot people and run, hide, crawl in the dirt...I had a great time enjoying something I wasn't sure I'd like at all.
Did mention that I have a huge crush on someone new? Someone who I want to work out. He's super kind hearted, given, adenturous and so many other great things I can list of hours. Oh, and he's SMOKING hot. Normally I would say that I don't stand a chance with someone like him. But, I've got this renewed self-confidence and I feel like I could date anyone I want and not be jealous or insecure. I think I'm at a place in my life where I can finally feel stable with someone who is worthy, but they have to worthy or it isn't gonna work. Anyway, we'll be hanging out tomorrow too so...if things go good, I think I'm gonna ask him out. Can you believe that? I've never asked a guy out but this one just might be worth it. I know I'm leaving in a matter of weeks but I feel like there is something pulling me to at least get to know him better, if it's meant to be it will work...whether that's now or in the future...I don't know...but...let's just see...