Monday, February 18, 2008
First I want to express a confession - what's new? HA! In my last relationship I took great issue with a gal who had a crush on the guy I was seeing. I want to confess why I had such an issue there. I was hurt and angry about that situation because she knew more about him than I did and I HATED IT! I'd find out things about him through her (literally, situations where she'd tell me something about him and I'd be like - what? I didn't know that...mind you this girl he had met at the same time as me and so it really said to me that he wasn't being open with me) and that not only scared the shit out of me, but it made me think that maybe he didn't care for me as much as I thought...which turned out to be true. Anyway, I needed to get that off my chest. I had been playing it off to some friends like I was just jealous, that wasn't it. We all know that I'm fine with the guys I'm seeing hanging out with hot chicks, nice women...whatever - but when the guy you're seeing is being more open and sharing with someone else...that's when the issues start. It wasn't jeaslouy, I was hurt by the fact that I wasn't this guys best friend and that's what I wanted more than anything.