Sunday, February 10, 2008

WTF Bitch

For those of you who don't know me that well...I use WTF to express confusion...and that was response to the word:
"fetishistic" - J. Bristow
And the quote:
When talking about salvery he wrote: "That one man could possess, sell or whip another, caused me intense excitement." -Krafft-Ebing

Adding on, my use of the word bitch which some of my dear friends get and those who don't know me don't understand. When I say "bitch" it's a rather nice compliment. It means that I think you have a back bone, you have integrity and you stand up for your ideas. I challenge you to consider yourself a bitch!

When asked a question, the response what "you should do whatever brings you deeper into the reality of your life." That's a great line!!! I'm going to strive to make decisions that bring me deeper into MY life.

Just a reminder...New Family Guy...tonight!!