Please note this is the third story (although number two has not yet been posted) in The Book of Christian, a tale of five women to be completed over a short span of time. This is the unaltered retelling of who has been dated, not dated and the insanity that is female. Some names have been changed to protect the less than innocent.
He had been seeing Kate for two months when the ex-girlfriend was released from the hospital. Out of pity for the recently released, he fucked her. Not a big deal. He then continued his strictly platonic friendship with her while furthering his feelings for Kate. Kate was important to him, unlike anything he’d ever experienced.
Kate would sometimes start fights with him, just so that they could make up. Having intense chemistry and anger combined into fitful nights of love making and Kate was amazing when angry. One night, he had fallen asleep on the couch and with little to entertain herself, Kate decided to surf the Internet. She was shocked and yet not entirely surprised to find that he had been emailing his ex-girlfriend. In the emails that ensured, Kate came to find out that not only had he been contacting her, he had in fact slept with her! Kate was angry, irate would be to put it lightly.
What better path than revenge? She informed him of her findings and made it perfectly clear that so long as he continued to see the ex-girlfriend, she was going to take liberty with her sex life and see other people. He was hurt by this but understood. The ex-girlfriend was mentally unstable, ending their friendship now would certain be hard for her and perhaps even send her back to the hospital. He’d allow Kate to see other people, besides…what they had was stronger than anything she could find out in the world, right?
One night at dinner, Kate took a moment to go to the office and log into the computer. While he ate his food alone, Kate proceeded to enjoy a pleasant conversation with a man she had met online, a man who lived in another country. When nearly an hour of eating alone had gotten tiresome, he ventured to see what Kate was up to. Kate explained that she was talking to her online boyfriend – Pete. Interested in finding out who could possibly be more entertaining than himself, he pushed the issue. Who was Pete? Pete, as Kate noted, was a man in his mid-thirties who had been in a car accident when he was just a teen. The car accident left him a paraplegic with some minor other complications. He laughed it off and thought nothing of it. Kate continued to use his time to chat with Pete and even began to have telephone conversations with the foreigner. One day, before settling into the couch at her apartment, Kate saw she had a message. With the intent of making her unfaithful boyfriend squirm, she played it. The message was from Pete, just a nice thought to say hello. Kate found the gesture sweet. Chris found the gesture hilarious as Pete had clearly suffered some head trauma from his accident and had a rather noticeable and hard to ignore speaking problem. Chris found out that night that Pete was coming to visit Kate for a week. In which time, Kate asked that Chris not call. Amused with the entire situation, Chris agreed that was a fine.
Following Pete’s visit, Kate informed Chris that she too now had enjoyed that which is offered in an “open” relationship. At first, he was sure that she was just attempting to aggravate him. After all, she was his possession, wasn’t she? However, a few short evenings later, during her nightly Internet chat, Pete mentioned something that only an individual who had seen Kate naked would possibly know.
Chris was shocked. Not only had she intentionally cheated on him, she had done it with a guy who couldn’t walk and barely talked!
My personal thoughts on Revenge Part I: Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman
When angered or pushed to a breaking point, there is no telling what a woman is capable of. Sometimes, a woman can even come to be shocked by her own actions.