Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Hour

I went out to Happy Hour with "The Girls." It was a good time. We had some interesting chats, including some big city talk that was rather interesting. I really enjoy having some female friends to chat with and who are local. No one can ever fill my heart like Akiko and Alena, but I sure am happy to have girls to chat things over with, learn from and go out with! Check out the pictures:

I went with the two low ponytails...last night Brandon said that my figure looked (it did) the same as when I was 18 and I thought, why not the hair too! Ha!
Laura is on the left. She's married to an Air Force guy and she's awesome.
Anna is on the right and she's super kind. She has really awesome arms, says its from water pollo, I'm jealous on that one...I'll have to try it some time.