Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Quotes and My Thoughts

Some new quotes from Surfacing:
"Curiosity becomes more important to you than peace"
I think this is something I am in constant struggle with. I want to know, I want to know so much and then some...any yet the constant questioning does not allow for peace. My life feels like a constant struggle between what is know-able and what is natural.

"A divorce is like an amputation, you survive but there's less of you."
I've dated two guys now who have been through divorces...both were good at heart...any yet, damaged goods. This quote sums it up well - once you've been divorced you are constantly in a search for something that maybe you never had, something that you feel you can re-gain from not being with that other person. It's a very sad state to be in and I really hope I never get to this. I think I've decided that I'm going to stop dating the divorcee...they don't have as much to give or offer as individuals who haven't had that type of, shall we say - trauma?

"The feelings I expected before but failed to have comes now"
As I learn to live in the moment I'm feeling less and less of this; however, in the past I would say this is pretty common in my relationships with others. I often expect to have a feeling, don't have it, and yet struggle to find it because I know I should have it. Then when all is said and done, the feeling comes...

"Nothing is the same, I don't know the way any more."
This is what I've been feeling for about a month now. I'm starting to figure out the way again, but this one sentence really expresses a state of constant feeling that I'm struggling to comprehend and abolish.

"I like them, I trust them, I can't think of anyone else I like better, but right now I wish they weren't here."
Please tell me I'm not the only person who feels this sometimes!