Friday, March 28, 2008


It's official, I've finished packing my first box. I think it means that I am actually getting ready to move. I have someone coming tomorrow to look at my apartment. I've moving help lined up...I've got storage arranged...I'm going. It still doesn't seem entirely real but that's okay.
I'm suppose to be going out in an hour, yet I find that instead of getting ready to go out. I'm sitting around in sweats, my hair is a mess and all I wanna do is fantasize about...about...nothing.

Life continues to move and I continue to flow along with it...Brandon's birthday is this week. Yeah for him! Brian got the keys to his house today. Yeah for him!

The guy I have a crush on is being a dick. He's acting like a flippin' 15 year old. Entirely not something I'm into. I know that the whole "does she like me" game is supposedly fun but I say, skip that crap and lets get a move on. He hasn't acted like this for the five or so months we've known each other...yet...he's doing it now. Maybe I should just give up on this one and keep moving...moving on the East side...I think there is a song for every thought or emotion that I've ever had. Go figure!