Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oddness of the Day

No flippin' joke...today has been rather surreal.
First off, let me discuss my hatred for ambulances. As Elisha says "Just be thankful you didn't date a taxi driver." Today at a four way intersection I pulled up to, there were three ambulances...one at each light...wtf? It's as if the great cosmos are trying to tell me something but at this point, I just can't listen. I have a balance in my life that feels good and is right. I can't see changing that up at this exact moment. Maybe some other time...just not right now. VERY ODD! After pushing that aside and going to lunch. Things seemed to be fairly normal. Hahaha, was I wrong!!!
I attempted to take the Mendocino Hall elevator from the 1st floor to the 4th...however it got to the third...opened...closed...went up to what I thought was the fourth but didn't open. It then started to move again and since I wasn't sure if I was going up or down, or perhaps even falling out of control...I just stood there. Finally I started hitting the "Open Door" button until it let me off on the 5th floor. Thank goodness! I was sure I was going to end up spending the night in the elevator waiting for the fire department.
Now I am safely at home, away from any such oddity that may decide to intrude upon my contentedness. I'm a little bummed out because I haven't really had time to go climbing or attend yoga in over four days. With any luck, tomorrow after work I'll get to do Yoga. YIPPEE!! I just have to really crack down and make sure I get some of this homework finished.