Monday, March 10, 2008

Happily Single

I thought long and hard over the idea of the open relationship...and I was just an excuse for me to not stand firm in a relationship I didn't want to be in. So, I'm Single! SINGLE! SINGLE!
This feels much more like me, that's for sure. I'm always single at heart, I was born as a single and I'll die as a single. I'm the ultimate of female single-dom. I love being able to flirt at the bar or make out with a total stranger. I like having the freedom to do as I want and not have to worry about who I'm offending or who might end up with hurt feelings.
It's almost as if I forgot how much fun being single really is and I was running from it. Not no more!! I'm gonna go out dancing and drinking and running the streets into the wee hours. I'm going to enjoy this freedom that I have and I'm going to embrace all that comes my way!

I suppose part of this conclusion is that I can care for you and I can not be stuck with you all in the same breath.