Saturday, March 15, 2008


Okay, so my bathroom has something weird going on. There is a coffee brown substance that keeps appearing on the floor by the sink. It isn't coming from the ceiling, any pipes or the floor since there's tile...but everytime I clean it up, I find more. It's no from my's a total flippin' mystery! It feels like that horror movie - Dark Water.

I'm going on a pub crawl tonight. I'm totally excited. I went out and tried on a few dresses and that was a great experience. I didn't fit in the medium...oh no...I'm a fuckin' small!! ME!!! Shocking!! I'm happy with my body right now. Sure there are things that could always be improved but I feel comfortable in my own skin and I like the way things look. I can't say I've felt like this in a while...but it sure feels good.

My Yoga group asked that I get Yoga certified and start teaching at the studio. WOW! I feel like that's a real honor. Since I'm leaving I can't start that right now but maybe when I come back, I'll get my certificate and teach Yoga while I work on my masters...that would kick ass.