Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Living on a Zip Drive

In my attempt to finish the semester in exactly 25 more days, I've found that my life has suddenly begun to revolve around a zip drive. This zip drive has become, perhaps, the most important piece of vital school material that I have. In the next 25 days I will attempt to complete:
1 Virginia Woolf paper of at least 5 pages
1 Frost in May paper of at least 7 pages
1 Virginia Woolf paper of at least 14 pages (not be over lapped with the first paper)
1 Annotated bibliography for King Lear paper
1 Shakespeare's King Lear paper of at least 12 pages
1 Shakespeare's The Tempest paper of at least 4 pages
1 Black Elk Speaks paper of at least 3 pages
1 Upton Sinclair paper on The Jungle of at least 3 pages
1 Paper on The Bluest Eye of at least 3 pages

Mind you this is the first time I've actually looked at the work load...and I have totalled this to mean that in 25 days I need to write 52 pages!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I think I'm gonna go curl up in a small ball and cry now...