Saturday, March 1, 2008

True to Form, Dreaming Anxiety

Just when I was getting settled into this house...I'm going to have to pack -I just don't think a sublet is a good idea, you never know what another person is going to do to your stuff. So, everything of mine is going to stay at a friends place. Have room? Hahahaha!
I have some major homework assignments that I need to accomplish this weekend and yet I feel uninspired. Beaver had always been my muse and when the semester got rough and I didn't know what to do with my projects, he'd always talk me into a thesis statement. What is a writer without a muse? A blogger I suppose...ha!
I have to share my dream from last night, mainly because it's off the wall but also because I need to share it.
Last night I had a dream about Bree (the girl that I was really jealous of when I was dating BV, you know the one that I was jealous of because she knew him better than me and I was always getting told things about him through her). Well, the dream was that I had just handed off the rescue to Jan and someone gave me one last dog to deal with. There was some sort of problem with the dog and I needed some help in getting things taken care of, so I called Jan. Jan said that normally Bree handled that issue and if I wanted help I needed to call her.
I guess Freud would call this an anxiety dream...I'd like to say that at the end of the dream, I called her and I get what I wanted. But the dream actually reflected the real world in that I didn't call her and I didn't get what I wanted.

It's odd how after months of not having someone in your life they can pop up in your dreams. I'd like to think that it's fate telling me something, pushing me in a direction...yet...I've had odd dreams before and maybe that's just not it. If it's fate, there will certainly be more to come, so until then, I sleep in wait.